Mr Botok, Mr Buttocks, Mr Buttcheeks. Call him what you want, if it will make any difference at all. Of course, most would've referred him to the Malay mytical child spirit invoked by a bomoh from a dead foetus using black magic in the like of Mona Fandy. Ooh, eerily ... we are talking spooky tales about a toyol!
Eerily ... eerily ... kisah benar should've explored this mytical phenomenon of how a damsel in distress was being ambushed and set upon by 10 defenders of the people, herded and whisked into the safety of the peacekeepers. A clearly effective pre-emptive strike to ensure her safety, to keep her out of harm's way!
This damsel will be protected for another 26 days while exorcism is carried out, and exorcism exercises are never simple, nor pretty, as testified by her visiting parents.
"She looked pale and weak," her parents observed.
Eerily ... eerily ... something is wrong with this exorcism exercise. This damsel is fed food unfit for human!
Something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Is she being exorcised or is someone, something out there trying to possess her?
She refused to be consumed. She fights back. Her personal assistant, Mandy Ooi, is proud that her boss is turning the table on them.
"She's trying to brainwash them (her interogators)," laughed off Ooi.
The toyol that did her in, who invoked?
As clear as day, we know. As clear as mud, they don't seem to know they're killing themselves.
Folkslore relates that keeping a toyol has its price. The keeper must feed it with blood, yes blood, every day.
But ah .... though seemingly cunning, this toyol is dumb. Marbles, sand and strands of garlic hanging on the door post managed to deceive it. This toyol is caught with his pants down ... oh no! no underwear too! Sceptic? Watch the evidence in video here.
Update 11:58am: toyol's yellow polka dotted pink panty found!
Imperative, it now comes down upon us to save this damsel in distress.
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1 comment:
It's open season for toyols. Please save your best comments for them.
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