De facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim has threatened to resign if the government continues invoking the Internal Security Act, which he described as 'unjust'.
The outspoken BN politician also called for the immediate release of opposition DAP MP Teresa Kok and and controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin who were detained under the ISA.
"We have a government that commits to laws and reforms, we can't be using the old-style politics or resorting to create fear. We have laws and they can be charged in court.
"I am trying to meet with the Prime Minister (Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) this week to convey to him my position. If (he considers) my position is untenable, I will leave," he toldMalaysiakini in a telephone interview from Kota Baru, Kelantan today.
He held a press conference in Kota Baru earlier, where he also spoke on the same matter.
[Full report to follow]

He told this to reporters after attending a lantern carnival in Kuala Lumpur last night. Also present was his deputy, Tan Lian Hoe.
Shabery was responding to Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar’s statement that Tan's detention was part of the police's swift action to ensure her safety after she received threatening calls.
Syed Hamid said police intelligence found the journalist's life to be under threat after she reported about suspended Bukit Bendera Umno chief Ahmad Ismail's alleged racist remarks made during campaigning for the Permatang Pauh by-election last month.
Tan was released from the Penang police headquarters at about 2.30pm yesterday.
Shabery, who expressed gratefulness over the release of Tan, said the action clearly reflected that ISA detention was not a long-term punishment and was only to deter people from making statements that could jeopardise national security.
Tan’s report pertaining to the derogatory remarks made by Ahmad against the Chinese community, sparked off a national uproar culminating in the Umno leader being slapped with a three-year suspension.
Apart from Tan, the police also detained controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin and DAP MP Teresa Kok under the ISA.
The arrests had received widespread condemnation from various quarters. Sin Chew Daily journalist Tan Hoon Cheng under the Internal Security Act (ISA), said Information Minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek.
Let's do HARTAL.
glad people warm up to 1947 people's constitution which i blogged about on 2/9/08 titled 'racism institutionalized'.
sepuluh tahun sebelum merdeka.
51 tahun selepas merdeka for this hartal.
Welcome folks to the 'DUMB, DUMBERER & ASSOCIATES' CIRCUS show. a show full of morons you will have to get your ears, eyes and brains examined at the sheer audacity to sound and look stupid. WELCOME TO MALAYSIA folks, where the lunatics run the asylum. The dangdest dumbest excuse of a moron you will ever find, our very own social retard hamid al blur gave the excuse, that he did not give the order to detain under the ISA AND IT IS THE POLICE'S FAULT, sure tells us something new, 'the tail is wagging the dog'.
Ohh hamiiiid oh hammiiiiid do you think we are stupid, should we apply your standards of stupidity to ourselves, THINK AGAIN HAMID, WE ARE NOT THAT GULLIBLE. Neither are we stupid nor retards, MORON.
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